15 Things to Do When You Have the Worst Headache Ever
Headaches, our arch nemesis—we meet again. Instead of staying up all night Googling natural cures, try these 15 fast headache remedies. They might not cure you completely, but in the throes of a migraine, any modicum of relief is a godsend.
Twenty 30-day Challenges To Improve Your Life
Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Like there’s a big difference between where you are and where you want to be? I know the feeling. Here’s the good news: you can start improving your life this month with these 30 day challenge ideas!
Things to Do on Sunday for a More Productive Week
Most people think of Sunday as the last day to relax before heading back to work or school. Instead, think of Sunday as the first chance to prepare yourself for the week’s tasks.
10 Things Healthy Women Do Daily
Have you ever been around someone who just radiates health? I’m talking clear skin, fit, in shape, radiant skin, happy and healthy from the inside out… If you know someone like this, you might’ve wondered what their secret is. What’s the magic potion that makes them so healthy?
How to Accomplish Every Goal You Set This Year
Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? Likely not—and you probably shouldn’t, considering most experts recommend against it. Why? Most people set a grandiose goal that is nearly impossible to meet. This makes it easy to fail or feel disappointed and discouraged. Instead, setting aspirations for yourself—in your career, in fitness, or in your relationships—is more effective during autumn.