Office-Appropriate Casual-Friday Outfits for the Summer
We found eight perfect office-appropriate outfits you can wear to work all season long. The best part? You can shop them all right now.
7 Money Lessons I Learned from My Mom
I was privileged to grow up with a mother who told me at every turn that I could be whatever I wanted to be. I could tackle any job, make as much money as any man, and control my own financial future if I was smart about it.
Fight Overwhelm With a Brain Dump
Sometimes, there’s just too much going on in your head. At least, that’s how I feel some days (okay, a lot of days). When this happens, it makes it hard to know where to start in order to get things done. I’ve found that a great way to help me fight overwhelm is to brain dump. It’s a really silly name for a highly effective productivity tool! If you’ve never tried this technique before, you should read on so you can try it next time you feel overwhelmed.
10 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood Significantly
Creating daily habits to boost your mood is one of the best ways to enhance creativity, increase productivity and feel happier as you go about your day! Creating habits takes work at first, but after experimenting with them for a while to find what works for you, they become second nature.
7 Tips on How to Not Let Things Bother You (Even If They’re Little)
A few years ago, it didn’t take much to ruin my day. One bad ten-second interaction with a stranger at the grocery store, on the road, or via social media, and my whole entire day was “terrible”. Ruined by some idiotic person who was just out to get me… or so I chose to believe.